
Privacy Notice

The privacy notice of the internet presence under the domain »fepcos.info«.

– according to Art. 13 General Data Protection Regulation GDPR and other national laws –


The following informs you about privacy aspects of the internet presence under the domain fepcos.info. The privacy notice is organized as follows:

1 Controller

– according to GDPR –

Dipl.-Inf. Univ. Gerhard Fuchs
Ziegelwiesenstr. 19
73540 Heubach
phone: +49 175 8074737
email: admin@fepcos.info

2 Terminology

User is the gender-neutral term for the person who utilizes the services of the internet presence under the domain fepcos.info – this is you.

A client is the computer system of the user, which is a combination of hardware and software.

The provider is the controller and a commissioned data processor, which hosts the internet presence under the domain fepcos.info on behalf of the controller.

A server is the computer system of the provider, which is a combination of hardware and software.

3 Basics

The internet presence under the domain fepcos.info includes the following services:

In detail:

If you use the services, personal data will be collected, processed, and stored by the provider. In principle, the data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required to achieve the purpose for which they were collected.

Your contact person regarding privacy aspects of the internet presence under the domain fepcos.info is the controller.

If you are of the opinion that the processing of the data concerning you by the provider violates data protection regulations, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (see Art. 77 GDPR).

The processing of personal data that takes place when using the service is described in detail below.

4 Retrieving the Website

4.1 Description and scope of data processing

Each time the website is retrieved, the client sends data to the server, which automatically collects and processes it. The following data is collected here:

  1. the date and time of retrieval;
  2. identity characteristics of the user (IP address of the client, remote user);
  3. which files (HTML page, images, ...) are requested;
  4. information about the client (browser type, browser version, operating system);
  5. which website the client previously retrieved (referrer URL);
  6. the result of the retrieval (volume of data transferred, duration and status).

The data is also stored in the log files of the server. A combination of this data with other data sources does not take place.

4.2 Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the temporary storage of data and log files is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

4.3 Purpose of data processing

The temporary storage and processing of the data by the server is necessary to enable the delivery of the website to the client. For this purpose, the data must remain stored for the duration of the retrieval.

The data is stored in the log files to ensure the functionality of the website, the security of the server, and the optimization of the website. An evaluation of the data for marketing purposes does not take place. Hence the legitimate interest of the provider in data processing according to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

4.4 Duration of storage

The data required for the delivery of the website will be deleted when the respective retrieval is finished. The data in the log files will be deleted after four days at the latest, unless further storage is necessary for evidentiary purposes (e.g., in the event of an attack on the server). Data required for evidence purposes will only be deleted after the incident has been finally clarified.

4.5 Possibility of objection and elimination

The collection of the data for the delivery of the website and the storage of the data in log files are absolutely necessary for the operation of the website. Consequently, there is no possibility of objection on the part of the user.

5 Email Communication

5.1 Description and scope of data processing

If an email is written to an email address ending in @fepcos.info, the following data will be processed and stored on the server:

5.2 Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the processing and storage of the extended connection data is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The legal basis for the processing and storage of the content of the emails is the user's consent in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR.

5.3 Purpose of data processing

The extended connection data is stored for the purpose of technical control of the server and processed if necessary. Hence the legitimate interest of the provider in data processing according to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The storage and processing of the content, including the personal data, serves solely to process the conversation.

5.4 Duration of storage

The extended connection data is stored for 14 days and then deleted. The content of the emails is stored until the respective conversation with the user has ended. When the conversation with the user has ended, the corresponding emails are deleted. The conversation is over when it can be inferred from the circumstances that the matter under discussion has been finally clarified.

5.5 Possibility of objection and elimination

The storage of the extended connection data and their processing if necessary are absolutely necessary to guarantee functioning email communication. Consequently, there is no possibility of objection on the part of the user.

The user has the option at any time to revoke his consent to the storage and processing of the content of the emails informally by email. In such a case, the conversation cannot continue and will be terminated; all saved emails from the conversation will be deleted.

5.6 Note on encryption

Email communication is usually unencrypted. As a result, it may be possible that the content of the emails is read by third parties ‒ sending an email unencrypted is often compared to sending a postcard. Therefore, think carefully about which data you send via this communication channel and use a different one if necessary.

Encrypted email communication requires prior agreement with the controller.

7 RSS-Feed

The icon RSS-Feed is a link to the website's RSS-Feed http://fepcos.info/news-en.rss.

The retrieval of the RSS-Feed by the client is a retrieval of the website. In this case, personal data is processed as described in section 4.

8 Conclusion

The controller reserves the right to change the internet presence under the domain fepcos.info and the corresponding privacy notice at any time and without prior notice.